my CookBox allows you to insert your recipes. To insert a new recipe go to section "My Recipes" and click on the floating button in the bottom-right corner of the page.
A recipe is composed of three sections: the general info (such as the title, the preparation time etc...), the ingredients and the directions to prepare the recipe.
Add General Info
Use the simple input form to insert the recipe title, the recipe category and other properties of the recipe.
You can also click on the image in the top-right corner to add an image to the recipe. You can select the image from your library, search for it on the web or take a picture directly from the camera.
Choose the ingredients
Choose your ingredients from the pantry by pressing on "ADD INGREDIENTS" in the ingredients screen. You can select the ingredients that are already in the pantry and add new ones to grow it.
Tip: It is possible to look up an ingredient by pressing on the magnifying glass icon in the bar at the top of the screen.
Touch an ingredient to select it.
While you are selecting your ingredients from the pantry, click on the basket icon to view the ingredients you have selected. You can sort them and add the quantity.
After you select the ingredients you need, press "DONE" to come back to the recipe screen.
It is possible to add more than one group of ingredients in order to organize the ingredients in groups. Think about the icing and the cake batter, for example. A group can be added by clicking on the "+" button in the ingredients screen.
Add the directions
Write the steps it takes to cook the recipe or dictate them to the app!
To enhance the performance of the speech recognition use it while you are online.
When you are done, press "SAVE" to save the recipe.
Browse your recipes
Browse your recipes filtering them by category.
Or search for specific recipes.
You can customize your recipe categories by adding new ones.